2018 Write a Check Fundraiser Celebration

As a reward to the elementary for reaching their fundraising goal, Dr. Hollan wore clown make up for the day!

A fundraiser earned the opportunity to pie her principal.

Dr. Hollan with her top fundraising students. 25 pies to the face and still all smiles.

Fair Grove Middle School completed a Write A Check Fundraiser. 8th Graders were the top fundraisers and got the opportunity to pie their principal, Mr. Green.

Mr. Green is a champ!
Field Trips funded with support from PTO
Mrs Jackson took Mrs Tucker’s class to Victory today at the Frontier Theater.
Fair Grove’s annual First Grade field trip was a blast! Don’t believe us? Ask the kids!
We’d love to see your pics! Share them on our facebook page!
Careful when you Pie Mrs. Crandall, she just might share some of her whipped cream with you.

We celebrated the success of our fundraiser at Safety Night, October 2014. These ladies were all smiles before the pie flies. Pictured: Mrs. Hollan, Mrs. Johnston, Ms. Simpson and Mrs. Crandall.

Make sure you get that pie all over Ms. Simpson, don’t want to waste any of that gooey whipped cream!

A student “pies his teacher” for meeting fundraising goals. Additional pies were auctioned off the night of the event.

Ms. Johnston enjoys her whip cream facial at “Pie the Teacher.” Her class was able to exceed their fundraising goal!
Fair Grove Elementary has a new 40 foot climbing wall for the 2014-2015 school year, thanks to a generous gift from PTO!

Our shiny new water bottle filling station and drinking fountain are installed and already having a big impact!
A fond farewell to Coach Gilman as he retires.
Our spirit wear brings all the birds to the yard
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