It’s PTO Membership Drive time!

Help us grow and join PTO, to support our teachers, staff and students across the district!

Membership forms have started being sent home with your child. You can also use the link below “Membership Form 2022”, once complete email it to or send the form and membership dues back to school with your child to turn into their teacher/office.

A PTO membership is open to anyone who is over 18 years of age or a person who has a child attending Fair Grove Schools.

Annual dues for the 2022-2023 school year remain the same at $5 per person. Please note that when using the QRcode there is a $1 convenience fee.

Memberships are effective from August 1, 2022 – July 31, 2023

Members not only show their support for their child’s school with their membership dues but are also encouraged to share ideas at monthly meetings and are able to serve on committees or as an officer.  (See By-Laws for information on committee appointments and officer election)


*While new members are welcome at anytime during the year, forms and dues must be returned by September 16th in order to be counted for the party.

membership form 2022 (1)